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Small Things I'm Doing for a Healthier Me

small-steps-to-be-healthierAffiliate links are marked with [*] and gifted items marked with [gifted].

Going in to 2020, one of my resolutions was to try and be healthier which is often easier said than done. I don't go to the gym frequently (if at all to be honest) and am more likely to eat junk food than a balanced diet so I think for me, it's about small steps to becoming healthier rather than a massive lifestyle overhaul. These are a few things I'm doing for a healthier me.

Switching my snacks for healthier ones

Biscuits are my weakness (jam & cream biscuits are the best biscuits out there and I won't hear otherwise) I would happily snack on these at all hours of the day. I decided to challenge myself and give up biscuits during Lent so I've been opting for healthier snack alternatives instead, including:
  • Nakd bars
  • Fruit (I'm particularly loving pears at the moment)
  • Assorted nuts
  • Rice cakes
Not foregoing an unhealthy snack every now and again as a treat though!

Keeping a water log

I started a bullet journal this year to track various things and one of the things I'm tracking is my water intake. I've never been great at drinking lots of water as I just forget throughout the day. Usually I try to keep a glass of water at my workspace to prompt me to drink water more often. I really think that keeping a water log has also helped me drink more water throughout the day too!

Active wear

Despite not owning a huge array of gym gear, new active wear will always influence me to get going. The way I look plays a huge part in how I feel and it's so important for me to feel confident in whatever I'm wearing and for whatever I'm doing.

I'm sure it will come as no surprise that I instantly gravitate towards anything high waisted (even gym gear) so my go-to will always be something like a pair of high waisted leggings paired with a crop top and some sort of Tshirt or long sleeved top over the top.

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Fitness tracker

In 2018 I got a *Fitbit Flex 2 fitness tracker for Christmas and I found this hugely helpful to monitor my activity during the day. With my Fitbit I was able to track my sleep, steps throughout the day and from the app on my phone I could even track things like my menstrual cycle too. It's really handy to have everything in one place.

The great thing about a fitness tracker is that you can set yourself daily goals as well as reminders throughout the day if you haven't yet reached your step count for the day. You can also do this using your phone and various different apps too.
small steps for healthier me
What steps are you taking for a healthier you?

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